Python Course Overview
The first lesson of this course will start off students with the most important concept of Python and other object-oriented languages: Variables
This lesson will teach students how to display information on their screen as well as taking information from the user.
Students will learn how to comment and annotate their code: a fundamental skill for any programmer working with any language.
This lesson focus on the use of arithmetic operations in Python, as well as order of operations.
This lesson expands on mathematical functions in Python and addresses the differences and transformations of numerical data types.
This lesson introduces two collection data; Lists and Tuples, as well as other various methods equipped with them.
Students will familiarize themselves with one of the most important data types in the programming world.
This lesson will into detail on different conditional statements and when to use them.
This lesson will introduce the various logical operators within Python and their effective use.
Students will learn all about loops and how to utilize them to improve control flow in their code.
This lesson will review the basics of String variables, as well as well as introducing operations and sequences to help students display information in unique ways.
Students will learn String splicing and casting to improve their toolkit when dealing with String varialbes.
Students will go over the many String methods and learn to apply them in various contexts.